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Oct 28, 2015

Potato and Rosemary Pizza | Pizza di Patate | with Rosemary

Potato Pizza | Pizza di Patate with Rosemary

I am absolutely crazy about this Potato Pizza. The crust is super crunchy and the potatoes are incredible.

Amazingly, the pizza is topped simply with thinly sliced potatoes, diced onions, and rosemary. The trick is to slice the potatoes as thinly as possible so that they will cook more quickly, and crisp up on top.

Potato Pizza | Pizza di Patate with Rosemary

We had this for lunch with a green salad, and then I had leftovers for breakfast.... and then lunch.... and then breakfast the next day. So good. I was sad when it was gone!

It's super crispy fresh from the oven, and it's delicious hot and at room temperature. It would make an amazing appetizer when sliced into small squares. It also reheats beautifully in the toaster oven.

I used Dutch yellow baby potatoes and sliced them super thin with this mandoline slicer. You don't have to peel the potatoes because the skins are so thin. You can also use Yukon Gold potatoes, which will give you wider slices.

Potato Pizza | Pizza di Patate with Rosemary

See that crispy crust? Amazing. I'm craving a piece right now.

The dough is super easy to make too. It's no knead, and takes only a couple of hours to proof. The potatoes can be sliced and soaked in salted water up to 12 hours in advance, making this recipe pretty flexible.

I know I go on and on about the food I post here, but of the 500 plus posts on this blog, this pizza is one of my favorites so far. It's ridiculous, in a very good way. If you like potatoes and pizza, make this. If you can't imagine the two together, still make this pizza. You won't be sorry.

This is the same crust I used for this Pizza Cipolla, an amazing flatbread smothered in creamy onions and thyme. The recipe is adapted from Jim Lahey's My Bread. The book, published in 2009, is a must for any aspiring bread baker's library.

Potato Pizza with Rosemary Recipe

Potato Topping

1 quart lukewarm water
4 tsp salt
2 1/4 pounds Dutch baby yellow potatoes or Yukon Golds
1 cup diced yellow, brown, or white onions
1/2 tsp black pepper
1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon fresh rosemary
Salt to taste


250 grams (about 1 3/4 cups plus) bread flour
5 grams (1 1/4 tsp) instant yeast
2.5 grams (3/8 tsp) salt
1.5 grams (generous 3/8 tsp) sugar
150 grams (2/3 cup) room temperature water
Extra virgin olive oil


  1. Combine the water and salt and stir to dissolve the salt. 
  2. With a mandoline slicer, cut the potatoes into thin (1/16 inch) slices. Immediately place the slices into the salted water. Let them soak for at least 2 hours and up to 12 hours.
  3. To make the crust, whisk the dry ingredients for the crust together in a medium bowl. Add the water and mix it into the dough with a dough whisk or your hands until all of the flour is incorporated, no more than a minute. 
  4. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and let sit until doubled, about 2 hours. 
  5. Preheat the oven to 500 degrees F. If you have a baking stone, place it on the middle rack. 
  6. When the dough is ready, drizzle about 2 tablespoons of olive oil into a half sheet pan and spread it with your hands to coat the pan. 
  7. Place the dough in the half sheet pan, and stretch it out to a long column to fit the middle of the pan. With your fingers, begin to press the dough to the sides of the pan. This may take awhile. When the dough resists your efforts, let it rest for a bit while you work on the potatoes. Eventually, your dough should just about cover the entire pan. If holes develop, just pinch them together. 
  8. Drain the potatoes and press out as much water as possible. Toss them with the onions, pepper, rosemary, and olive oil. 
  9. When the dough is ready, spread the potatoes over the top of the dough, all the way to the edges. 
  10. Bake the pizza for 30 to 35 minutes, until golden brown and the edges of the crust are beginning to pull up from the sides of the pan. 
  11. The pizza can be served hot or at room temperature with salt to taste. 

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  1. Karen, I've put all sorts of things on my pizza, but I've never thought to use potatoes! Must try this soon.

  2. Oh, dear.... can I just have every single item you cook and be a happy camper forever?

    this pizza seems simply amazing! I am hosting a Halloween party this weekend, and thought of making a focaccia but now... now I am not sure

  3. This pizza is amazing, we're definitely making this in the weekend! Thank you Karen!

  4. I love pizza of all kinds and have always wanted to try potato pizza--must do it soon!

  5. This looks soooooo delicious, Karen!! That crust looks so perfectly crispy!

  6. Absolutely delicious! Made it today & my family fell in love with it! Thank you, Karen's Kitchen!!!

    1. Thanks so much Svetlana! I love this pizza!

  7. Gosh!! This does bring back memories of this kind of pizza in my mother's village of Savignano Statzione in southern Italy. Used to do the 1 hour walk to the bakery and buy the pizza to munch on the way back, washed down with a bottle of watered wine. Such happy memories. I shall definitely try your recipe.xx

  8. So where’s the rosemary?

    1. Ooops. You toss it with the potatoes. I'll fix that.

  9. This was delicious, much like the Sullivan st potato pizza. But 25-30 minutes at 500 degrees is way too long. At 18 minutes it was almost too crispy

    1. I'm sure it's oven dependent. I'll mention that in the recipe.


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