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Oct 19, 2012

BBA Challenge #31 New York Deli Rye, #32 100% Sourdough Rye Bread, #33 Poilane-Style Miche

A little over a year ago, I decided to bake my way through Peter Reinhart's award winning book, The Bread Baker's Apprentice. This is the next installment on this totally fun project.

And we enter the "rye zone."

BBA Challenge #31 New York Deli Rye

This bread is made from a sourdough starter, and is about 1/3 rye. Those little specks are onions. 

This bread takes two days to make, but most of the time is idle. It requires white rye flour, which I ordered from King Arthur flour. I would definitely make this bread again. 

Many bakers attempted this project prior to me, so Google BBA Challenge #31 to get other bakers' feedback and tips on this recipe.

BBA Challenge #32 100% Sourdough Rye Bread

Rye flour has a low level of gluten, so it does not provide a lot of structure for loaves. Rye flour can also be very gummy if not handled properly. This bread contains sourdough starter and all rye flour. 

This was my least favorite bread of the entire book. The crust was not "crusty." It was more like a glue coating. Obviously, I need to learn how to better handle rye. 

If you're a big rye fan, Google BBA Challenge #31 to get other bakers' feedback and tips on this recipe.

BBA Challenge #33 Poilane-style Miche

See this post for the recipe and my take on Poilane-Style Miche. Loved it. 

Google BBA Challenge #31 to get other bakers' feedback and tips on this recipe.

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