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Jul 31, 2016

Homemade Smashburgers

These smashburgers bring you the best part of a burger cooked on a griddle... the crusty, browned, caramelized, full-of-flavor surface of the meat. Yes! 

These smashburgers bring you the best part of a burger cooked on a griddle... the crusty, browned, caramelized, full-of-flavor surface of the meat.

Instead of forming a quarter pound of beef into a patty and then cooking it on a griddle, you break the meat up into 2 ounce balls, and then smash (thus the name) the meat into the griddle to create the thinnest patty possible. The patties are stacked on top of each other with slices of American cheese set between them.  Check out how melty the cheese gets. Eating one of these will transport you to your favorite childhood diner.

A little happy dance may or may not have broken out on first bite.

These smashburgers bring you the best part of a burger cooked on a griddle... the crusty, browned, caramelized, full-of-flavor surface of the meat.

I've never been to a Freddy's, Smashburger, or Steak n Shake, and had no idea they existed (I grew up and live in the land of In and Out Burger!). Evidently, there is a Smashburger only three miles from my house. I had no idea! I'll have to give them a try.

This burger seems to more closely resemble the Freddy's version, because the bun is not "artisan," and the cheese is American. And, yes, the American cheese was perfect for this burger. I am not ashamed to admit it.

I found this burger on the blog, Cheese with Noodles, my Secret Recipe Club assignment for August. Secret Recipe club is a group of bloggers who are assigned a specific blog from which to choose a recipe to make, and then we all post on the same day. I love it because I end up making something I might never even have thought of making, plus, I get to discover a new blog.

Anna, who lives in the Alaskan interior, writes Cheese with Noodles to keep a record of all of her favorite recipes. She has bunnies, cats, and puppies, oh, and a husband too! She likes doing crafty things, painting her nails in many colors, and spending time in the garden whenever the Alaskan weather allows. I really want to try her bacon, cheddar, potato waffles. This may be the recipe that pushes me to finally get a waffle iron.

A note about smashing the burger: I followed Anna's advice and wrapped the bottom of a large heat proof bowl with foil, and smashed away. It worked beautifully!

After the recipe, check out the links to the rest of the Secret Recipe Club Reveal Day posts.

These smashburgers bring you the best part of a burger cooked on a griddle... the crusty, browned, caramelized, full-of-flavor surface of the meat.

Homemade Smashburgers

Recipe adapted from Cheese with Noodles (adapted from The Pioneer Woman)


  • Four ounces 80 % lean ground beef
  • Soft white hamburger bun
  • Melted butter
  • Seasoned salt
  • One slice of American cheese
  • Condiments of your choice, in my case, ketchup, mustard, hamburger pickles, pickled jalapeno, and sliced onions


  1. Divide the ground beef into two pieces, and form each piece into a loose ball.
  2. Heat a griddle with medium high heat. Brush the inside of the bun with butter, and place them on the griddle. Remove with lightly toasted.
  3. Brush some of the butter on the griddle, and place a ball of the ground beef on top of the butter. Immediately smash it down with heat proof bowl or heavy spatula. It should end up really thin. Repeat with the other patty and then sprinkle them both with the seasoned salt.
  4. Cook the patties for 1 to 2 minutes, until very brown. Flip the burgers over, and let cook for about 45 seconds.
  5. Place the cheese on top of one of the patties. Place the second patty on top of the cheese, and cook for another 20 to 30 seconds, until the cheese melts. Place them on the bun.
  6. Serve with condiments of your choice.
Yield: Serves one

These smashburgers bring you the best part of a burger cooked on a griddle... the crusty, browned, caramelized, full-of-flavor surface of the meat.

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  1. Huh, I have never seen that burger strategy, but I am game to try it! YUM! Great SRC pick!

    1. New to me too, but totally delish! Thanks!

    2. The burger strategy I am more familiar with is making an indent in the patty in the center, so that it doesn't puff up and make all the condiments fall off later. It keeps it flatter. Perhaps this originated as a technique to get to the same end, a flat-ish burger. Just musing.

    3. That's the strategy I've followed too, especially on the grill.

  2. OMG! I am all over this - smash burger... what a concept!

    I know Phil would be breaking into a happy dance with me for this one.... WOW!

    1. I definitely did a happy dance! Something about crusty caramelized beef.... so decadent.

  3. The first time we stopped at a Steak n' Shake I watched them make the burgers this way on the grill and I was HORRIFIED, it went against everything I'd ever been taught on making a burger. We now stop at Steak n' Shakes on a regular basis when traveling, cause the burgers are really good. I think I see one of these in my future, maybe Wednesday?

    1. Sid, I know what you mean! That smashing totally goes against however we think burgers should be prepared, but in reality, it totally tastes like a diner burger!

  4. This looks delicious!!!!! We love Smashburgers so this is amazing!! Great SRC pick!

    1. Thanks Nicole! I'd never tried them, and now I need to go there.

  5. I think this is the method that is used for burgers where I grew up, in Rochester NY. Love that they are thin and yet still juicy!

  6. I've never heard of Smashburger, but we go to Steak 'n Shake quite often when we're out running around. I never thought about how they make the burgers, but they are really good. Now I am going to have to try making some.

    I really enjoyed poking around your blog this month.

    1. Thanks so much Anna! Thanks for the kind words.

  7. The technique is new to me but I KNOW my kids will love it!
    Great SRC pick!and the picture is beyond tempting

  8. I love Steak n Shake burgers. I've watched them make them on the grill, but have never tried it myself. Now I really want to!

    1. So funny that I've never been to a Steak n Shake. The closest to me is about 30 miles away, but I'm thinking I need to make a pilgrimage.

  9. Am so enjoying being in the same group with you again, Karen! And I see you're putting Dorothy and Sally on their toes by entering their monthly competitive fun. Smash burgers are all the rage here, and my husband has a burger a few times a week (!), so this is a must make for him!

    1. Thanks so much Susan! I've met them both IRL and they are fantastic women. This would definitely make your husband's day!

  10. Karen, I'm really glad the burgers turned out well for you. So far I have only made them the one time, but now I want to make them again! They will have to go on the menu for sometime next week.

    Someday I'll have to visit a restaurant that sells this style of burger so I can see how they compare. We don't have anything like that where I live.

    1. I have to visit one of the restaurants too! I've got Smashburger nearby, Steak n Shake about 30 miles away, and the closest Freddy's is Las Vegas. Sounds like I've got some work to do! Thanks so much for the great idea!

  11. My husband loves Smashburger. I will need to try these soon. Nothing like a good burger. And what is Freddy's?!?!

    1. All I know is I need to find a Freddy's and give their burgers a try! =)

  12. I must have been living under a rock - I have never heard of smashburgers. But your description makes me hungry, so I'll definitely have to try them out.

    1. I hadn't either! Thank goodness for SRC for introducing me to them!


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