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Dec 31, 2016

Top Ten Recipes for 2016

These recipes are the most popular reader favorites for 2016. 

Top Ten Recipes for 2016 on Karen's Kitchen Stories

Here they are! Karen's Kitchen Stories Top 10 most popular recipes for 2016! These were your favorite recipes, and I thank you so much for visiting, commenting, critiquing, and following Karen's Kitchen Stories. I can't believe it's been another year!

The Top 10 recipes are pictured in order above, from left to right, top to bottom. Clearly, bread is a theme here, but a couple of sweets and a rice dish snuck into the mix!

Mini Cheesecakes

#1 - Mini Cheesecakes with Salted Caramel - This recipe is far and away the most popular on Karen's Kitchen Stories. I made them in my mini cheesecake pan, which makes them extra cute, but you can make them in a muffin tin. They are just as delicious. This recipe was a big hit on Pinterest too.

Waterford blaa

#2 - The Waterford Blaa - This recipe is my most popular bread recipe from 2016. These rolls are big, soft, and fluffy, and dusted with flour on the outside. They are wonderful for bacon sandwiches or slathered with salted butter.

shrimp fried rice

#3 - Shrimp Fried Rice - This shrimp fried rice with vegetables is wonderful as a light main course, or as part of a multi-course dinner. Plus, it takes only 20 minutes to make from start to finish. It also makes wonderful leftovers.

swedish cardamom rolls

#4 - Kardemummabullar - Swedish Cardamom Rolls - These Cardamom rolls are both beautiful and delicious. At first I fell in love with their lovely shaping, and then their cardamom infused flavor. They are worth the effort.

caramelized onion bread

#5 - Caramelized Onion Bread with Buckwheat and White Rye - As a bread geek, I'm always interested in trying new ingredients. While I did have a stash of white rye, I had never baked buckwheat in bread. This bread takes three days to make, but it's totally worth it.


#6 - Rondos - Rondos are a Dutch treat very popular in The Netherlands. They are a shortbread/pastry crust filled with lemony almond filling. They are really good. You need to try one to understand.

San Francisco Sourdough

#7 - San Francisco Style Sourdough Bread - I have a lot of sourdough bread on Karen's Kitchen Stories, and I can get pretty geeky when I talk about it. This bread turned out just the way I like it, with a hole-y gelatinous crumb, and a shatteringly crisp crust. This one was a Pinterest favorite.


#8 - Pandesal - These are the favorite bread of the Philippines for breakfast, snacks, and lunch. They are soft and fluffy, and coated in bread crumbs! They are easy to make, and totally delicious.


#9 - New Orleans Style Beignets - Beignets are a fried yeast bread coated in powdered sugar. I was pretty intimidated about frying dough, but the results were amazing.


#10 - Crispy Herb and Sugar Plum Grape Tomato Focaccia - To round out this list is this fabulous focaccia. It is by far my favorite focaccia dough, because is is so crispy and airy. You can top it with anything you like, and the recipe gives you enough dough for three large ovals.

Thank you to Sarah of Fantastical Sharing of Recipes for hosting this round up of Top Recipes, and and the Countdown to 2017!

Top Ten recipes

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  1. Wonderful! But you know what I love even more? The fact that I read each one of these posts as they were published...

    isn't that cool enough to do a happy dance? yes? no? maybe?

    HAPPY NEW YEAR, KAREN! Looking forward to another 365 days of your cooking adventures...

    1. The highlight of my year is knowing that you read these for sure, seriously, because I know you do, and I feel responsible that a super smart and beautiful human reads all of my posts. The other best part is meeting you my dear in real life! I just knew I'd love you. Happy New Year to you!

    2. Oh, I need a few sheets of Kleenex now...

      the feeling is mutual

      A WONDERFUL 2017 for you...

  2. What in incredible top ten list! I want to go pin all of them! Beautiful, beautiful pictures. Happy New Year - see you soon!

    1. Thanks so much my friend! This means a lot! Happy New Year to you!!

  3. I need to really try making more bread this year. I just decided that 2017 is the year I conquer or at least make friends with Sourdough bread. Your pictures are gorgeous and made me so hungry I'm heading down to the kitchen to make some toast with some of my own home made bread.

    1. Awww. If you have any sourdough questions, I'd be happy to answer them!

  4. Happy New Year Karen you are a wonderful and talented baker, wishing you the best in 2017.

  5. So many wonderful bread recipes! This is the year I will tackle bread without wanting to toss it out the window!

  6. Fantastic roundup! We missed it back when you published it, but we'll enjoy it now:) Thanx so much Karen!


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