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Mar 24, 2013

Vesper Martini

Vesper Martini: Karen's Kitchen Stories

I don't usually see movies when they first debut, mostly because I am easily distracted by fellow movie goers. I have issues.

We finally watched Sky Fall last week on PPV. I was not prepared to love it as much as I did. The Astin Martin, the gadget references, and the shaken martini. So many references to the original Bond. Loved it.

Vesper Martini: Karen's Kitchen Stories

The Vesper is originally referenced in Ian Fleming's novel Casino Royale, and it includes some specific instructions from 007 himself, especially the part where it is "shaken, not stirred."
Vesper Martini: Karen's Kitchen Stories

This recipe is from The Bar Guide (1999) from Williams Sonoma. I substituted a tangelo twist for the lemon twist after seeing this post from Michael Ruhlman. I used Hendrick's gin and 360 vodka. The tangelo twist came from my backyard tree, which is currently occupied by a swarm of bees. I'll let you know how that turns out.
Vesper Martini: Karen's Kitchen Stories

The Vesper

1 1/4 ounce gin
1 1/4 ounce vodka
1 T Lillet Blanc
1 orange, tangelo, or lemon twist

Add the gin, vodka, and Lillet to an ice filled shaker. Shake the ingredients well. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Add the twist. Enjoy. 

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  1. I know you did this specially for me right ;) Love it!!!

  2. Lovely cocktail, well illustrated. I prefer more gin than vodka, but let's not split hairs. It is a delicious drink.

  3. Can you tell me where you got the glass for the vesper?

    1. It was Crate and Barrel. It's been years so I'm not sure if they still carry these glasses. I adore them!


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