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Jun 15, 2016

Stir-Fried Eggs with Velvet Shrimp | Wok Wednesdays

Stir-Fried Eggs with Velvet Shrimp

These stir-fried eggs with velvet shrimp made the best "brinner" ever.

This dish is not just scrambled eggs with some shrimp thrown in. Nooooo. there are seven other ingredients and a screaming hot wok involved. And "velveting!"

Velveting you ask? Does it make the food fuzzy? Nope. It's a way to briefly marinate proteins in egg whites, corn starch, and some rice wine. The ingredients are then blanched in water or oil before stir-frying, which produces tender and moist deliciousness. In the case of this dish, the shrimp are stir-fried right after marinating, skipping the blanching step.

After marinating the shrimp in one teaspoon of egg white (which was lifted from one of the eggs), corn starch, rice wine, and salt, the eggs are whisked with white pepper and rice wine. The rest of the ingredients include ginger, scallions, and peas.

Stir-Fried Eggs with Velvet Shrimp

The original recipe calls for four ounces of small shrimp, however, I had exactly four ounces of medium sized shrimp in the freezer, so I decided to use them instead. I had to stir-fry the eggs slightly longer than recommended, which was just fine with me, because I prefer eggs "well done."

As a Wok Wednesdays participant, I've agreed not to post the recipe. However, my friend Donna, author of one of my very favorite blogs, Cookistry, got a review copy of the book back in 2011 and posted the recipe here.

P.S. Donna is the author of one of my favorite bread books, Make Ahead Bread.

You can also find the recipe for these eggs on page 127 of Stir Frying to the Sky's Edge by Grace Young.

I totally loved this dish. We had it for a light "brinner" with rice and a salad. Leftovers were not part of the equation.

Stir-Fried Eggs with Velvet Shrimp

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  1. Karen, Thanks for teaching me the term "brinner!" How can I be in the food biz all these years and never have come across this word before?! Your photograph of stir-fried eggs with velvet shrimp in a bowl is pure comfort food.

    1. Brinner is the best! Thanks for such a great recipe!

  2. I'm a huge fan of brinner - can't wait to make this for my next one. Grace's recipes are delicious no matter which meal your make them for, but this one is tailor-made for a night when only eggs will do for dinner.

    1. Thanks so much Laura. I could have eaten the whole thing myself. =)

  3. Karen, I love this dish, and the actual DISH holding it... so so cute!

    but, but please... what is brinner???? I am scratching my head here.... I know I will have a big aha moment... breakfast + dinner? ????

    1. Oh! I GOT IT! awesome word... almost as good as corky ;-) ;-) ;-)

  4. My husband would love this!!!

    1. Thanks Renee! I was surprised how much I loved it.

  5. I used medium shrimp as well - always do. I also cooked my eggs longer, though I like them on the creamier side - was concerned the shrimp was not cooked through. Still, very tasty!!

    I see we are getting fancy with that last picture. :)

    Lovin' the term "brinner". :)

    1. Ha ha Cathy. I finally gave into the "you need a long pin with words on it" pressure, as much as I have resisted forever! I much prefer straight photos =)

  6. Sprinkle with just a little toasted sesame oil, before serving. It adds a wonderful aroma.


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