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Mar 16, 2017

Cinnamon Raisin Struan Bread

This cinnamon raisin struan bread is loaded with handfuls of various grains, giving it a complex flavor. 

Cinnamon Raisin Struan Bread from Karen's Kitchen Stories

This cinnamon raisin struan contains uncooked polenta, rolled oats, bran, cooked brown rice, and buttermilk, along with raisins and a cinnamon swirl. It is a variation of the many harvest breads that Peter Reinhart, author of several books on bread and pizza, has created.

In each one of his bread books, he includes a version of struan, three of which I have made and loved. Here is his struan without the cinnamon, raisins, and buttermilk, and sprinkled with seeds, and here is another version that includes flax seeds and wild rice. Both are wonderful.

This recipe is from his second book, Sacramental Magic in a Small Town Cafe, written in 1994, and now out of print. Elle of the blog, Feeding My Enthusiasms, found a copy while doing some end of year organizing, and presented this recipe for the Bread Baking Babes to make in March.

Cinnamon Raisin Struan Bread from Karen's Kitchen Stories

This bread was pretty easy to make, and tasted wonderful. I loved the slight crunch from the polenta too. My loaf is a little lopsided, but I think it gives it character.

If you are looking for a cinnamon raisin bread with a little more complexity, definitely give this bread a try.

If you'd like to bake along as a Buddy, check out Elle's post for details.

Cinnamon Raisin Struan Bread

Yield: 12 servings
This cinnamon raisin struan bread is loaded with handfuls of various grains, giving it a complex flavor.


  • 280 grams (9.9 ounces) bread flour
  • 27 grams (a little less than an ounce) uncooked polenta
  • 16 grams (.58 ounces) rolled oats
  • 34 grams (1.2 ounces) brown sugar
  • 7 grams (.25 ounces) wheat bran
  • 1 1/3 teaspoons salt
  • 1 tablespoon instant yeast
  • 28 grams (1 ounce) cooked brown rice
  • 28 grams (1 heaping tablespoon) honey
  • 56 grams (2 ounces) buttermilk
  • 130 grams (4.6 ounces) lukewarm water, plus more if needed
  • 149 grams (5.25 ounces) raisins
  • 2 1/2 tablespoons cinnamon sugar


How to make Cinnamon Raisin Struan Bread

  1. In the bowl of a stand mixer, whisk together all of the dry ingredients. Add the cooked rice, honey, and buttermilk, and mix. Add the water, and begin kneading on low (or by hand). Add more water by tablespoon if necessary.
  2. Knead the dough for about 15 minutes, until smooth and elastic. The final dough should be tacky, but not sticky.
  3. By hand, knead in the raisins for about 2 minutes, until evenly distributed.
  4. Place the dough into an oiled bowl, cover, and let rise until doubled, about an hour.
  5. Roll out the dough into a rectangle, about 8 inches wide and 12 to 14 inches long. Sprinkle the dough evenly with the cinnamon sugar. Roll up the dough into a tight loaf, and place it, seam side down, into an oiled 9 inch by 5 inch bread pan. Cover with oiled plastic wrap and let rise until doubled. Preheat the oven to 350 degree F.
  6. When the dough has risen, place the pan in the oven and bake for about 45 minutes. If the top browns to early, tent the loaf with foil. When done, de-pan and cool the loaf on a wire rack.
Bread, struan, raisin bread
Created using The Recipes Generator
The Bread Baking Babes who baked this loaf this month are:

Cinnamon Raisin Struan Bread from Karen's Kitchen Stories

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  1. It's a beautiful loaf! I love the little polenta bits peaking through the crust and crumb.

    1. Thanks so much! Me too! The polenta was the best part.

  2. love that last picture, beautiful crumb with lovely yellow specks. Great looking loaf!

    1. Thank you! The polenta added such a lovely crunch.

  3. Ah Karen, I just knew you'd have a gorgeous loaf. I'm jealous, my crust always breaks at that top swirl. Lovely, lovely loaf.
    Have to try those other struan loaves!

    1. Thanks Tanna =) P.S. Those others are very good, and just different enough!

  4. Character is a very important part of bread baking.... As is cinnamon. And sugar.

  5. Gorgeous bread and photos! I love the specs of polenta throughout the crumb as well and your scoring worked great.

    1. Thanks so much Cathy. I was trying to avoid that whole side split thing!

  6. That's a gorgeous loaf Karen, with a perfect swirl dotted with raisins!

  7. Wow. Gorgeous bread Karen! So rich and yummy! And your instructions make it sound real easy to make:) We bet this'll be equally amazing with some crashed walnuts as well (not big raisins fans ourselves) :)
    Sending you lots of hugs!

    1. I'm pretty sure walnuts, especially if they were toasted, would be fantastic.

  8. Wow Karen your crumb is so airy! Mine was a bit sturdier.

    1. Thanks Karen! Looking forward to seeing yours!

  9. Beautiful bread. Makes me hungry for more just looking at your photos.

  10. It doesn't look at all lopsided to me. It looks artfully beautiful!

  11. This is the best cinnamon raisin bread I've ever made! I didn't have wheat bran so I substituted oat bran. For the raisins I used a raisin medley I bought at Trader Joe's. I've made this recipe twice. The first time I mixed in the raisins before proofing and the bread took a very long time to rise. The second time I mixed in the raisins after proofing. The bread was scrumptious both time. Thanks for the recipe!


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